Are you looking to become a Clinical Social Worker?Alberta College of Social Workers (ACSW) requires 100 hours of supervision post masters degree in order to become a clinical social worker in the Pre-Supervision Stream. Gita is a clinical social worker and able to provide you with quality supervision and consultation if you would like to pursue your clinical designation. She can also support you in applying to the post supervision stream to become a clinical social worker.
Gita is also able to provide general supervision and consultation if you are a Registered Clinical Social Worker for your 10 hours/year that are required by the ACSW. Gita can help you to prevent burnout and prevent/manage vicarious trauma. We work so hard for our clients and sometimes we sacrifice ourselves to do great work, but it doesn't have to be this way. We can still do great work and take care of ourselves at the same time.
Gita has over 15 years of experience in various social settings. She has worked with multi-disciplinary teams and have provided ongoing consultation for various disciplines. Gita has supervised Diploma, Bachelors and Masters level social workers.
Contact Gita to discuss in person or online clinical supervision and/or consultation.
1:1 Supervision: Currently Accepting.
Group Supervision: Gathering Interest
Please email to let us know if you are interested in group supervision. We are looking at offering group supervision in the future and are currently gathering interest.